Bloom Box & Bouquet


At Maison M Floral, we strive to provide our customers with the freshest and most beautiful flowers possible. However, due to seasonality, prices and materials are subject to change. We kindly ask that all orders be placed 24 hours in advance to allow our expert florists ample time to craft the perfect arrangement for you. In the rare event that a particular material is unavailable, we will replace it with the same grade or higher priced material to ensure your satisfaction. For any further assistance or questions, please don't hesitate to call or message us via WhatsApp at 94764168. We look forward to bringing a touch of natural beauty to your life.

花材價格及供應會因應季節有所調整, 如有未能提供的花材會以同等或更高價值的花材代替,因入口花材必須提前預訂,敬請客人提早下單, 所有訂單必須至少二十四小時前確認為準 

如有查詢請致電或WhatsApp 94764168


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